Wedding Swing

Wedding1 This week, Vintage Porch Swings received the most wonderful email from a customer. Here's what they have to say:
Thanks for sending the link to your new website. It looks great. I thought you might enjoy seeing how much we are enjoying our porch swing. Got it up the day before the wedding! Thanks for all of your help.
Nancy & Andy Wilson (Great Fall, VA)
We love the creativity that Nancy, Andy and the beautiful young couple have shown in staging their photo shoot on one of our handcrafted wooden porch swings. The color scheme, pillows and setting are just perfect. Wedding4 The swing is our Avari model with the addition of finials - a new feature! The grey color was a customization The Wilson's made. Any of our furniture from the indoor or outdoor collections can be customized with your own special paint or finish. Purchase yours here!Wedding2 What beautiful girls! Check out the sturdiness of our one inch manila rope in this photo!
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