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Porch Swing: Creating Your Sanctuary

Porch Swing - Create Your Sanctuary with
Porch Swing - Create Your Sanctuary: Porch Swing - Create Your Sanctuary with Our team at Vintage Porch Swings recently gathered to discuss our tagline and we came up with, “Create Your Sanctuary.” After all, that's really what a nice porch swing is all about. The stresses of today's living are often nicely counterbalanced by regularly visiting a restful place. (Often, that place has a porch swing!) Why not create a sanctuary in your own home instead of having to go somewhere else anyway? We agreed that Create Your Sanctuary embodies our mission, to provide a sanctuary for extraordinary daily living, in three words. We hope you like it. If you have a moment to tell us about the sanctuary in your home -especially if it has a porch swing :) - please write, e-mail, or text us as we would love to know our efforts are worthwhile. We will be happy to post comments on our website and share your story.
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