News from the Shop

Trends in Wood Finishes for Bed Swings

In the shop, Vintage Porch Swings is constantly finding a new finish or new technique for applying finish to our bed swings. Our “vintage” process is in a category of its own. We build a furniture-quality product out of wood designed for outdoor construction and cover it in a distressed finish. This is contrary to other “vintaged” products that are weathered or beaten to cover wood that is less than perfect.

Photo courtesy of Shari Frost on Pinterest.

One finishing trend we’ve recently been following is a Barnwood finish. The distress is achieved by applying a stain and several layers of paint over a grainy surface. We still round all the edges of the wood and plug all the holes but leave a majority of the grain. This way, when the alternative colors are applied, there is the feel of roughness to it while still being smooth enough to handle. Currently, we offer the Barnwood finish in two different base colors.

Courtesy of

At Vintage Porch Swings we love to push outside what’s comfortable to please a client. We even have clients send in a sample of a finish they like and we try to match it. It’s usually a challenging task, but that’s ok. We are always up for a challenge!

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