News from the Shop

We have been working! We’re making changes at the Shop this winter to improve the way we build and deliver our bed swings. The greatest improvement is a new lighting and air cleaning systems to enhance the safety of our employees and the quality of our swings.

We are also doing research for some new finishes - layered paints and stains. One finish we are especially excited about is the “old barn wood” finish. This will closely match old wood siding and will come in two different tones. We have always made an effort to build quality swings while the finishes give the appearance of being an older piece. This new finishing process will be a great addition and will likely become an option soon. Look for details and photos on our site in the coming weeks.

We have a great staff at our shop. Each brings a unique skill set to the group. The result is a quality product, painstakingly made with both safety and beauty in mind. Drop by if you are in the area, we would be glad to show you around.

The Staff at Vintage Porch Swings

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