Budget Patio Decorating

The staff at Vintage Porch Swings loves to spend time out of doors. So, naturally, we each invest in decorating our porches, patios and green spaces.

Recently, we came across an article that provided seven ways to decorate your outdoor space for less. This sent us on a web hunt to gather more budget saving tips. The following is a list of some of the best tricks we found.

Budget Saving Patio Decorating

1. Timing is Everything. If you need new outdoor furniture, wait to buy until after July 4th. See Article.

2. Purchase plants on clearance at large chain stores like Walmart. Sometimes, they are marked down just because stock is too large. If the plant’s health is in question, nurse it back to life indoors, then transplant to the porch. (All five of the plants and herbs below cost $6.50.)

3. Shop Vintage. Purchase outdoor furniture, decor, pots and planters from Craigslist, garage sales, or flea markets.

4. Hire yourself. The best way to save money in landscaping is to do as much work as possible yourself. A 3-gallon bush may cost $20, but the price skyrockets to $30 or $40 when it’s planted by a landscaping professional. See Article.

5. Buy small: Purchase small-sized plants. Depending on the species, the smaller plants could double in size in two years, giving you more plant for your money. See Article.

6. Repurpose. Move old glass vases, baskets, pillows and blankets to the porch before throwing them out.

7. Get a freebie:

  • Cities often give away free trees, mulch and compost. In Seattle, for example, groups of neighbors can request 10-40 trees from the city in exchange for planting and maintaining them.
  • See something you like in a neighbor’s yard? Offer to trade cuttings. Also, set up seed exchanges with other gardeners or check out existing exchanges online such as those on iVillage’s GardenWeb.

Now, with all the money you’ve just saved, you can invest in a beautiful, sturdy porch swing. Visit us at

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