The VPS bed swing team
Our Story
In 2008 Brent’s McHenry’s wife Krista was in serious need of a place to relax. At the time she was the mother of twins, a newborn, and was pregnant with their fourth child. She designed a bed swing for their front porch and asked Brent to build it. Not long after Krista’s bed swing was finished, a neighbor stopped by and asked Brent to build one for his front porch too. Before long, Brent’s bed swings lined the streets of their neighborhood and the McHenry’s were being encouraged to showcase their swings online. Their website quickly took Brent’s hobby to a full-fledged business. Because Brent works full time as a biostatistician in cancer research, he assembled a team of local craftspeople and artists who he knew would continue to build the same quality of bed swing that he built for his wife, and would continue to treat his customers like neighbors.
The VPS team has since outgrown Brent’s garage, but they never lose sight of their goal of helping people create sanctuaries where they can relax, disconnect and spend time alone or with friends and family. The McHenry’s family has grown since then, and each bed swing design is named after one of their seven unique children.
A Note from Brent on Family
"An hour after my dad died on April 11, 2012 my wife Krista and I learned that we were pregnant with our seventh child. It turned out our baby was due on Krista's dad's birthday. A month following my dad's death, our kids lost their second grandfather. Our boy Noah was a gift through that difficult time. We intentionally honor our beloved kids by naming our swings after each one. Avari and Brynn are our first set of identical girls born in 2003. We say “first set” because we had another set of identical girls in 2010, Emerson and Eliza. Census data has been used to estimate this phenomenon with a likelihood of less than 1 in 10,000,000, i.e. an estimated 8-30 families in the USA have two sets of identical twins. In between twins, Hayden, in 2007, and Joshua, in 2008, were born; our “Irish” twins. We are fortunate to be gifted with an exceptionally rare family and we offer that to you in our swings."